What Is The Proof Of Afterlife In Beyond?

AN ENQUIRER:  As a young man I was a theology student, and have no trouble accepting that the vast majority of the world’s population – across scores of religions, denominations and sects – believe in the existence of life after physical death.

Admittedly with a focus on Christianity, why do you think there has been scant scientific research on the type of mediumship you have been involved in, and which could go some distance to prove the claims you write about?  In recent years, that is.

DES:  Some years ago a number of our most eminent scientific minds were carrying out research on the reality or otherwise of the psychic faculties.  Latterly interest seems to have drifted in the direction of New Age Preoccupations, so-called New Age Ism;  pretty much the same creature in different clothes.  On the other hand, the scientific avant-garde  leans toward sub-atomic physics and terms such as quark-gluon plasma, tetraquarks, proton decay, Yang Mills and lattice QCD.  Much of this goes over my head, but has been referred to in explanations that shine light on communication between one mind and another.

During the decades before, researchers from Duke University in the US carried out hundreds of thousands of tests to establish that telepathic subjects with cards could project details over a large distance from one mind to another.  Dr Rhine’s team reportedly satisfied sceptical observers that the odds against random chance were more than a million to one.

Not to be outdone sceptics from Cambridge University suggested that the results were caused not by telepathy but by an unrecognised factor influencing randomness itself.  Nobody had heard of such a thing before!

In response a research project in London extending over a number of years, provided proof that could not be refuted, that communication between distant subjects had taken place where the results against mere chance were in the order of many hundreds of billions to one.  Indeed, such a result could not be arrived at by chance if the entire population of the world had tried the experiment every day since the beginning of the Tertiary Period, 60 million years before!   In all the decades since, nobody has seriously challenged the findings.

Of course the results in question relate directly to the psychic faculties, which involve contact between two “distantly separated” minds;  that of the medium and that of the deceased personality.  To further remove any chance of error or misunderstanding or fraud, it is common practice for an experienced medium to pass on information that he or she could not possibly know about:  evidential details.

It has been suggested that there are as many shades of mediumship as there are mediums, but such a broad claim obviously cannot be proved.

Admittedly, some individuals have particular gifts which others lack.  Uri Geller, the spoon bender, comes to mind.

Another is the Latvian psychologist living in Germany, Konstantin Raudive.  He discovered that cassette tapes he used for recordings – either from a microphone or from the radio – contained a strange interference in the form of soft voices.  When amplified they were found to speak in one of seven languages;  significantly the seven languages the psychologist knew.

What intrigued Raudive and the researches most was the fact the voices could be recorded only when he was present, and that they answered questions put to them.  Over six years, under international scrutiny, the psychologist recorded many thousands of conversations.  Well-known scientists were present when the recordings were made, and they examined the equipment.  The tapes were analysed.  During the 1970s, testing programs were carried out at studios in England by engineers who used their own equipment.  Instruments were installed to exclude freak interference.  A separate synchronised recording was made of every sound in the studio.  Both tapes were monitored constantly.  However on playback there were more than 200 voices on the experimental tape.  The phenomenon persisted even inside a Faraday Cage.

What did Raudive make of it?  He had no doubt he was in contact with those who had passed beyond physical life.  As explained in his book, Breakthrough; Taplinger, NY, he confidently identified some of the voices, including that of his own mother.

The marriage of psychism and electronics which Raudive pioneered is referred to as electronic voice phenomena (EVP).  Research has been on-going, much of it co-ordinated by American millionaire George Meek – an engineer with scores of industrial patents to his credit.  Assistance with the funding came from Jim McDonnell, chairman of the board of McDonnell-Douglas.  Making up the organisation are nearly 40 professionals, comprising physicists, nuclear chemists, biochemists, psychiatrists and others.

Irrefutable proof was provided by the sometimes well-known deceased personalities who made themselves known via the EVP channel. For anyone interested in delving deeper into the scientific findings of medium-ship I recommend you check out my latest book THE IMMORTALISTS.

The Unanswerable Question Of Beyond

My pen-name is ISOBEL:   Both my brother and I have encountered Mother (incredibly happy) several times after she died, and I find it difficult to doubt that life continues in the after-death state.  However questions remain.  Scientists more often than not ridicule the suggestion that such a thing is even possible.  Most of my family and friends are embarrassed to even discuss the matter.

But a personal question:  You have said that everyone in that “place” is happy, because the absence of negative energy  (vibrations) in the emotional environment does not enable its expression or even its existence at the individual level.  That is, negativity does not exist, any more than a colour we have never seen could exist in the physical world.  We could not process it and make sense of it.   It would be alien.  However, Des, you are claiming that in the after-death state every human being cozies up and agrees with every other.  Surely historical and cultural and political differences over many generations make that unlikely.

In my life no medium has ever been able to answer that question to my satisfaction.  [Isobel does not come from a principally English-speaking country, so with permission I have partly rephrased her questions.]

DES:    Then you have come to the right door, Isobel.  In that place (which more correctly is a different frequency of vibration occupying the same space) people congregate in large emotional groups.  A natural affinity makes this inevitable.  In other words, love in all its various guises, transforms every human being who dies.  Only in the physical world do we encounter the savagery, self-indulgence, elitism and indifference to suffering that the presence of negative energy likewise makes inevitable.  Only those we have “loved” (family, friends, children, people who have helped or supported or guided us, even our pets) will register on our senses.  Nobody else can even be discerned.

Boring?   On the contrary.  It is fiercely creative.  We re-examine our entire physical life (or at least its most significant currents) together with others in our emotional group.  As we do so we explore ourself;   the various dimensions that make up each individual human being.

In this way every emotionally intimate coming together of people around the world is again experienced by them.  Exclusive relationships are deepened and further lessons taken from them.  Groups within groups within groups therefore exist, ceasing to register with one another as emotional distance increases.

Every individual becomes accountable, responsible to himself or herself.  Every personality is a self-creative organism.

What about the loner, or the unfeeling killer, or the person who has been taught self-hatred?   These people have no option but to love and respect themself.  No other emotion exists.  (If you love yourself, you express that emotion into your surroundings and love others;   a tendency that can be discerned even on the physical plane.)

But a final word.  Immediately after shedding your physical envelope (a bit like removing your shoes at the door), you gravitate away from negativity only slowly, and so merge with Spirit in stages that are uniquely appropriate to you.  A personality in this phase of transition is considered to be neither in physical nor Spirit.

How do I know all this?  I have only to ask, and an answer is provided in whatever detail I require.  That’s what my particular type of mediumship or psychism is of course.  Occasionally I disagree with the response, or even fail to understand – but that is accepted as inevitable.

What Can Go Wrong With Self-EMDR?

What Can Go Wrong?

    Although the most important consideration with Self-EMDR is safety, safety, safety – several reports have come in about problems.  Every one has been evaluated and removed.

Mary was a teenage mother, estranged from her family and living in a flat with her baby.  The child’s father did not like babies (“Dirty things”) and so departed with another lady.  Bravely, Mary battled on until, unexpectedly, the baby died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Mary procured a copy of my book but reportedly was “unable to eliminate or substantially reduce the guilt and depression” within the suggested three or four one-hourly sessions.  She had allowed the grief process to run its course for two months, after moving back with her parents, before attempting self-EMDR.  Why the delay?  I recommend this because grief is part of a natural and necessary healing process.  To grieve is to heal, but unusually protracted grieving is unnecessary and undesirable.

Self-EMDR-sad_woman A brief E-mail conversation with the youngster and her mother was sufficient to establish the cause of Mary’s failure.  Once entranced and reliving the shock and desperate pain she had experienced when finding the baby’s body, Mary “bailed out”.  “I don’t like pain,” she said. “I’ve already had my share.”  I explained that, “If you are able to tolerate as little as 40 minutes of severe discomfort, once or even twice, you will be free of the tragedy for the rest of your life.  I promise.”  And so it was!  Mary rode the trauma down (from 10 out of 10 in terms of its intensity, to 9, to 9, to 9, to 6, to 5, to 3) over a period of 60 minutes.  At that point she was aware of a huge relief, but was feeling tired and called it off until the following day.

Accompanied by her fascinated – and hugely grateful – mother, the youngster did two more five-minute sets and called a halt when she could discern no further discomfort.  She could remember Baby’s death, and funeral, and the black hole she had carried in her heart for weeks afterwards, but the memory itself carried no pain. Self-EMDR-hope-despair

But, but… what if the trauma went down to only five out of 10 in intensity, and stayed there?  No problem.  Mary would simply do more five-minute sets during the next few  days until the discomfort did disappear.  Failure is not possible. 

    What other problems can we encounter?  I have had several complaints that were traced to people failing to focus, while in trance, on a single trauma.  Perhaps John is over-tired when starting his Self-EMDR.  His entranced mind drifts from the fact a junior member of the company has been promoted over his head (the principal trauma);  to the fact he feels jealous because his wife would rather spend time with the baby than with him;  to that awful noise in the car’s engine.  John is supposed to hold his focus on a single trauma or area of discomfort, and keep it there, set after set, as  the level of conflict falls away.  If he allows his attention to drift, it simply won’t happen.

In the rare event a Self-EMDR session is completely halted, possibly because… the smoke alarm starts screaming, or the power supply fails, a potentially unfortunate situation can unfold. Hours later, or on the following day, the painful emotions that were in the process of being drained, abruptly come bursting to the surface.  Although they, in turn, will recede without additional sets it can be a startling phenomenon. The obvious solution, of course, is to have another Self-EMDR session and finish draining the emotions once and for all.

Unfortunately the one problem area which is likely to capture every counselling and therapeutic modality in the world, also affects EMDR and Self-EMDR.

Because of their primal role, males tend to become aggressive when challenged (admittedly with plenty of exceptions).  As a result there is an inclination for John JoSelf-EMDR-sad_boynes to blame somebody else no matter what goes wrong;  even when he is obviously at  fault.  If he climbs out of bed on the wrong side, and you get in his face, he won’t even listen to your considered argument.  He’ll be too busy searching his mind for the last word, the coup de grace. 

But the woman is different, because the human coin has two sides.  She may lose an argument, because her emotions tell her that is better than damaging a relationship.  He is the warrior.  She is the nurturer.  The Israeli Defence Force tells us their female soldiers must not be exposed to certain pivotal combat situations.  She will seldom throw away her life because if she does her baby dies (again in primal terms) and there is no mother to look after the children.  On the other hand, John Jones can give himself the luxury of taking a bullet and simply rolling over and dying.  He has proved himself.  Nothing is more important.

Now for the focus:  The archetypal female will blame herself, because her role with the children demands nothing less.  A male will blame the child for keeping him awake night after night.  Eventually the youngster will occupy an unsafe environment.  In the same situation the mother will blame herself, and frequently walk away.  The child will always be in safe hands.

In the case of a severe conflict the male will defend himself by attacking.  The female (especially an adolescent girl) will attack herself, sometimes by cutting.  She blames herself.

It follows that a distraught women receiving EMDR or Self-EMDR is capable of holding so much self-loathing that she will (subconsciously/unconsciously/emotionally) inhibit the therapy from working without being aware of it;  irrespective of the modality or technique involved.

Heads up!

(1)  The above remarks are by definition a generalization, but I am convinced they are a robust generalization;

(2)  EMDR and Self-EMDR enable the woman’s self-loathing to be eliminated with a small handful of sessions, in a manner that is quite impossible with any other approach.


Strategies To Follow When Dealing With Stress

It has been claimed that modern civilization has merely moved pain and discomfort from the physical world to the emotional.  Hello stress!

Again, many strategies used to control anxiety and depression are useful when dancing with the modern nemesis called stress.  One is music.  Immerse yourself in its magic as a means to escape from negative emotions, and therefore exercise some control over them.

Share your aspirations and concerns, and never, never forget that the most effective healing remedy in the world is to help another person.  Almost without exception we will be offered our own Lazarus.  Many fellow travellers will die emotionally of anxiety, depression and stress years before they physically take their leave.  On the back of my professional card I have two little quotations:  “All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you”- J.R.R. Tolkien  and  “You have not lived the perfect day unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you” – anon

   Self-EMDR-relax It must be acknowledged that most people prefer a more pragmatic approach to the exhaustive, corrosive, overwhelming discomfort we call stress.  Try the following:  A quiet,  meditative stroll.  Feel your footfalls.  Calm your breathing.  Look at the trees or gardens.  Make a point of reminding yourself of how lucky you are, compared with many others.  Meditation is a medically proven way of lowering blood pressure, breaking negative endocrinal cycles, and creating positive expectation which plays itself out.  There are many different methods and techniques, and therefore many options available.

Perhaps the most popular stress-busting method in certain warm parts of the world is the early afternoon nap, although it shows no sign of spreading – beyond the much favoured “nana nap”. But the ultimate remedy for me has always been traveling, I remember last year when I felt like I needed to get away from everything that was causing me stress, I remember one day I got up and decided to contact the
best outer banks rentals out there, went I got back from my little vacation I felt better than ever.

A psychotherapeutic approach used for many years is progressive relaxation, in which groups of muscles are tightened and then abruptly relaxed.  Inescapably the muscular relaxation flows on as mental-emotional relaxation.  Of course stress and relaxation cannot exist side by side.

Reframing a stressful situation so it sits more comfortably with the person involved is a further possibility.  In other words, if Mary’s diagnosis with cancer coincides with her compelling need to demonstrate her trust, her spiritual faith, and her courage to the children as an inspiration, she might welcome the diagnosis as a God-given opportunity.  Stress is reduced.  Mary feels she has been touched, not by chance, by the hand of God.  Her prayers have been answered.

Finally, a long-term solution is offered for an entire spectrum of stressors and their resolution.  CLICK HERE to check out the self-help guide, Self-EMDR, by Desmond Long.

Don’t Let Depression Take Over Your Life

Depression is a terrifying, complex phenomenon that affects most people in every community at some time in their life.  In simplistic terms we encounter various types of depression.  (a) Chronic depression typically comes and goes, often varying in intensity, sometimes for a lifetime.  (b) Reactive depression may appear for a particular and recognisable reason.  For example, a grief situation typically causes depression, accompanied by a spectrum of other negative emotions such as anger, denial (in the case of illness or death), exhaustion, anxiety, and reduced self-esteem and self-confidence, which needed to be treated intermediately, you have to find ways of distracting yourself, anything is better than just thinking about your problems even going online to get royalty free images, who knows, it is worth noting that grief is caused by any loss situation – not only a death.  (c)  Clinical depression.   This is the term generally denoting an episode so severe it debilitates the victim.

Not surprisingly depression accompanies many other illnesses, simply because the loss of one’s health must be grieved like any other loss, if healing is to take place.  Pain, hopelessness, fear, the need to recreate oneself, and even suicidality, cause a compounding misery. I recommend you to check out Lumitea Bloating relief for any digestive problems you might have.
Measures used to combat anxiety disorder are often effective with depression.  For example, traumas of the past which have caused “bad” emotional symptoms, are likely to be triggered or resurrected if present-day circumstances are similar.  Take the case of John, a chubby kid who was never able to understand maths or English.  Poor John was bullied by both the sporty kids and the clever kids.  In his first job, stacking shelves at the supermarket, he was mercilessly bullied and ridiculed by an assistant manager.  The emotions of the youngster came flooding back, especially the depression, the shyness and the conviction he was inferior.  The felt like hiding in the wardrobe.  He hated himself.  He was too embarrassed to allow anyone to see the tears.  He’d be better off dead!

The young man had reverted to a child again.  The victimised kid’s emotions had replaced those of the adult, because the assistant manager “felt” so much like the bullies at school.

What can John do about it?  In any number of ways he can introduce techniques into his life that he knew nothing about as a youngster.  That is, John can gather to himself methods of giving himself empowerment, a sense of structure and being in control.  In the process John becomes less and less like the schoolboy.  (I would endeavour to empower my client, move him in the direction of independence, and certainly not tell him what to do.) You can´t let depression take over your life, I always recommend taking some time off to better yourself, maybe going to the beach and checking out a cooler resource to get a cooler, fill it up with food and just go and relax, let the depression disapear.

Self-EMDRbeingaloneAs well, I would discuss the advantages of his using positive affirmations before sleep every night, such as “I now own my life.  Respectfully I defer to no-one, although I will always listen and learn.  Bullies, of whatever age, feel so inferior they need to put on a show of how big and strong and clever they are.  It’s just an act.  In fact they are pathetic idiots.  I feel sorry for them.”

Other techniques?  Assertiveness training is an incredibly powerful approach.  Enquire about neighbourhood classes, or obtain a pamphlet or DVD on the subject.

It is not helpful to overload oneself.  Do one chore or project at a time, and take satisfaction from doing it well.  Also make time for rest and recreation (re-creation).

With depression the inclination frequently exists to isolate yourself from other people.  This is the worst thing you can do.  Seek out a friendly listener.  Confide.  Even ask for help, never an easy task for the male of the species.  Seek out the courage.  You will surprise yourself.  A primal need exists to express the pain existing within, for that process encourages healing.  Another method is to write, write, write out the problem.  Start a diary.  Write to yourself or an imaginary friend.  Tell it like it is.  Then either keep it or discard it.

Yes, words are only words, and depression is an emotion and not words.  The most effective method of combining the two can be found in a modality that is exploding in popularity among mental healthcare professionals in over 130 countries – called EMDR.  A very recent development to this technique is Self-EMDR, whose reach and protocols were researched and developed by Desmond Long and his team.  Check it out.  CLICK HERE.

What Is Anxiety Disorder?

What is anxiety?  It is a normal, healthy and necessary part of our day-to-day life.  For example, we should be anxious and therefore vigilant to an appropriate degree when standing on the edge of a cliff in a blustery wind;  unless we’re a bird, of course.  Again, anxiety is an entirely understandable response for Mary as she awaits the results of her cancer biopsy.

But anxiety disorder is different.  By definition it is typically marked by vulnerable emotions, a feeling of dread, extreme nervousness or the impression of being unsafe – when there is no objective reason for these reactions.  Debilitating panic attacks are an extreme example of anxiety disorder. sad_eyes_Woman_EMDR_therapy

Mental healthcare specialists have claimed that, worldwide, 30 percent of the  population suffer from emotional problems every year, sufficiently severe to require professional intervention.  Whether or not such a blanket claim is meaningful and provable, it must be acknowledged that anxiety, depression, anger management problems, an inappropriate response to stress, and a general dissatisfaction with life, afflict virtually all Western countries.  Perhaps strangely, some statistics claim that the poorer the community the happier are its members!

So… what causes anxiety disorder?  Simplifying the old “nature versus nurture” approach, the question of genetics must be looked at.  If an unusually high incidence of anxiety runs in the family, its members downstream tend to have a higher incidence of anxiety.  A predisposition is said to exist in the bloodline.  But if Granddad were a manic depressive (bipolar), perhaps a bully who screamed and ranted at his children, they are likely to grow up in a fraught environment – unsafe, unloving, intimidating.  In turn this learnt behaviour can be passed from generation to generation.  Children are very, very sensitive and impressionable, and not only model the responses of the authority figures in their own life, but also develop sometimes unfortunate coping mechanisms;  such as anxiety disorder.  In an extreme case, “If he scares me too much I’ll get a migraine or asthma, then he won’t be allowed to hurt me.”  Of course the migraine or asthma is purely a subconscious psychosomatic reaction.

There are various strategies used to combat anxiety disorder.  In terms of this book, Self-EMDR:  The Complete Therapeutic Approach, we tell people that instead of taking a pill so it doesn’t hurt so much, why not remove what is causing the pain.  This approach also makes a reader independent and self-contained, all for the price of several cups of coffee.

(1)  Needless to say, both Complementary/Alternative and Allopathic (orthodox) medication is available to treat anxiety disorder.

(2)  Some sufferers are able to move the emotional stress to the physical level by resorting to a programme of physical exercise.  It is much easier to drain physical stress than emotional stress, simply by resting up for a while.

(3)  Talking to a friend or family member enables you to express the conflict causing anxiety disorder within a supportive environment, and often in the process create more of a sense of balance, control and structure.  This is what counselling is all about.  Seldom is a person destroyed by a trauma.  Rather, it is the lack of support which does the damage.

(4)  Mindfulness exercises.  A meditating technique involves the individual focussing acutely on that point in time called “the present” to the exclusion of the past and the future.  Significantly, stress and anxiety flow when one remembers past conflicts and pain;  and also when one looks into the future, anticipating further conflicts and pain.  The present is a fraction of a second which we  travel – locked in – that is free from both.

(5)  Set goals for yourself daily, and keep to them.  This establishes the impression of structure and control, the very qualities missing when anxiety disorder is encountered.

(6)  Practise deep breathing.  While anxiety can cause the victim to  hyperventilate, measured diaphragm breathing can actually “fool” the autonomic nervous system into emerging from its “fight or flight” response – that is part of anxiety disorder.

(7)  Diet.  Informed nutritional advice, available from a dietician or the pharmacy, has been credited with reducing or eliminating anxiety disorder.  In fact a healthy diet is essential for many areas of well being.  Complementary/alternative practitioners with access to dietary supplements may also prove helpful.

(8)  Check out the book by Desmond Long : Self-EMDR:  The Complete Therapeutic ApproachCLICK HERE.

Questions From A Critic Of Beyond

QUESTION:  Apparently you “channel” information from the “spirit realms” for the benefit of people in physical.  You also believe we are here on the physical plane, in part, to answer the questions of life for ourself as an inescapable learning process.  That’s what the physical is all about.  Yes?  Therefore what possible use can spirit mediums or psychics be, who take it on themselves to allegedly convey messages from deceased individuals for the guidance of people who enquire?  Has God got Himself in a little bit of a muddle?  This is a question I have never had answered to my satisfaction.

DES:  Then read on, but try to have an open mind.  God, or Mother Nature, or the universe, or the human condition… is perfect.  No tree has ever grown upside down, with the roots in the air and the leaves underground.

Consider:  As I have just “discussed” through my channel, all people in the physical world are here to create themselves second by second throughout a lifetime.  That is, individually they are what they create.  Nobody can create me except me – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically… We are all given that mandate.  If you want more detail, please read my book (BEYOND).

So where do mediums and psychics fit in?  As part of this creative infrastructure, we all contribute and we all receive;  we all interact.  There are as many ways of doing so as there are individuals within the population, and in the process we all become unique;  unique in every possible way.

John may obtain a “reading” from Mediumistic Mary who can contact deceased individuals and pass on their advice.  Both are being guided by a principle which is an inherent part of the human condition.  John reaches out to Mary and Mary responds.  In that way both people are contributing to the process in which they are creating themselves.

Because there are as many realities as there are individuals on Mother Earth, both the details contained in Mary’s readings, and the details contained in Des’ channelled information are true – even when they appear to contravene.  Each reality contributes to a cycle which builds uniquely.  This is one process through which every human being creates and hones themselves as a unique organism.

Therefore Mother Nature’s mandate gains expression.

(1)  It makes no sense to say that one religion or belief is right and all others are wrong.  (2)  One belief might make more sense to me, and another more sense to you.  (3)  We all create ourself with what we think and feel and do, whatever it is.  It moulds the real “us” inside.  (4)  We are all supposed to be different from one another.  (5)  Therefore it’s okay to believe in different things.  In fact it’s inevitable.

Self-EMDR – Is It Safe?

Self EMDR The Breakthrough New TherapyIs it safe?

Just how safe?

Although EMDR (sometimes called “processing”) has captured, in fact revolutionized, psychological practice in over 90 countries during a mere 15 years, its birth can be traced back to the dawn of modern civilization.  Indigenous American Indians stamping their feet as they dance around a campfire are entrancing themselves, inspiring themselves, with the same process.

Grandma gently moving backwards and forwards in her rocking chair is in a similar neurological trance.  As with little Mary on the swing in her backyard, and her baby brother who is being rocked to and fro in Mother’s arms or in the cradle.

But therapeutic self-EMDR, is that just as safe?  Yes.  As safe as Grandma and Mary.  In all cases their brain is gently being pulsed by the physical movements.  The resulting trance makes them delightfully relaxed and comfortable – and profoundly receptive.  In my practice I regularly work with fretful and uncomfortable babies (showing Mother how) and with children and teenagers.

Question:  How long will it take me to remove a terrifying experience that has given me nightmares and panic attacks for years or even decades?

Answer:  Often one hour for a single trauma.  Sometimes two or three hours.

If years of severe trauma have accumulated and reinforced, it will take much longer.  In this case a person will practise Self-EMDR (completely unsupervised and independently) on a regular basis for as long as necessary. Self-EMDR-hope-despair

What is the success rate?  In my specialist clinical practice, it is 100 percent for months at a time in the case of a single trauma.  With Self-EMDR, by a person lacking any experience, it is probably 80 – 90 percent depending on motivation.

It is your life.  Self-EMDR is free.  It represents a window of opportunity which has only recently swung open onto the world.

Download Self-EMDR now and start your journey of dicovery and healing within minutes from now. Click the BUY NOW button below to order NOW!

What Is Christianity According To Beyond?

Question:  In your channelled book, the “authors” in the spirit realms apparently defended the ailing religion that is called “Christianity”.  They challenged your own contention that Christianity is like a dying tree – some parts remain greener than others – and claimed the religion is more like a forest.  That is, because modern-day attitudes change so rapidly, some trees die while others grow to take their place.  Christianity is supposedly an evolving, living organism somewhat like the human race itself, creating itself as it goes.  As people evolve so their religion evolves, because they create it as a guiding influence.

But tell me, “wise” Desmond… Why do conservative and most mainstream Christians disagree, viewing the religion as an historical fact.  History is history.  Most theologians acknowledge Christianity in its historical context.  The Catholic Church is one example, with its one billion adherents.

A vast number of non-Christians (many billions of them – sceptics, atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, etc) reportedly see Christianity as a wry pipe dream, not a so-called “sentient thing”, almost a being or creature.  Pretty much everyone in the world disagrees with your authors. 

If they have got it wrong, what else have they got wrong?

Des:  Indeed, if they have it wrong.  Much of the information I have imported from Spirit over a lifetime does not appear in The Littlest Crusade.  The following perspective has been discussed in intricate detail many times:  “The physical world is an environment containing negative energy as well as positive.  In wrestling with the inevitable conflicts, we create ourself – but uniquely;  thought by thought, emotion by emotion, action by action – second by second for a lifetime.  Because we are human beings at the dawn of evolutionary unfoldment, we can understand only a tiny fraction of the total universe we occupy.  Indeed, we will never understand it all.   Due to the physical experience, every person lives within and relates to a different universe, because he or she brings to bear different perspectives and preferences.  He of she is a different universe!  How and why?  Because we all relate to and understand a uniquely separate aspect of “reality”, and because we become less and less alike one another, we progressively create and move into our own analogy or universe or belief structure or perspective…

“Within that place, we continue to individualize, we continue to create mental-emotional landscapes.  One of these is called Christianity.  It can also be seen that there are as many viewpoints about Christianity as there are people who call themselves ‘Christian’ – as there are trees in the forest, dying and being replaced but always part of a changing environment.”

What If I Struggle To Understand The Concept Of Afterlife?

TERESA: The more explanations you provide on your blog, the more deep and complicated the whole subject becomes. Not only about life after death, but also about the human race and its purpose, and the reason for life itself, and… I could go on. But you suggest the blog is intended to simplify explanations from the book. Am I the only one who struggles to understand?

DES: You are not the only one, Teresa. BEYOND was channeled through my mind, and its philosophical and spiritual concepts have nothing to do with the personal me. However if I occasionally struggle to relate comfortably to one point or another, I am provided with additional explanations. The blog enables me to pass them on to readers with similar questions.

The complex field of esoteric philosophy has always included quite different books aimed at different types of readers: Those who know nothing about the subject; others who have studied it; yet others who are lifetime students; and mediums, healers, researchers, and people who work within the field.

Perhaps too ambitiously BEYOND was channeled for that entire spectrum.

Nevertheless feedback over the years indicates that more than 90% of ordinary readers have no trouble understanding the book’s concepts and explanations – with or without help from the blog.